
News Update
On Monday, April 3, 2023 Bloomberg Law Published this report- ‘Police Union Wins Over Competitor in IP, Defamation Suit.’
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The SPFPA continues to prevail in its legal actions against Steve Maritas and the LEOSU. 
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On March 16, 2023, the Michigan Court of Appeals rejected in total Maritas’ appeal of the December 2021 jury verdict against him for more than $500,000.
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On Monday, February 13, 2023, SPFPA filed an NLRB petition to give the KY PSO’s the right to finally rid themselves of UFLEOS and its “dues collecting ghost” Maritas.
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With overwhelming support, SPFPA will file an NLRB petition to represent the Kentucky Patronus/Paragon PSO’s Monday, February 13, 2023.  
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