Maritas Loses His Final Appeal!

Earlier this month the Oakland County Circuit Court issued an Order For Specific Performance requiring Maritas to remove numerous websites and turn over to the SPFPA domain names and social media accounts. 

Backed into the corner after the latest Order issued, and facing a certain contempt motion if he failed to follow it, in the last days Maritas has been busy removing websites and transferring domain names.  The SPFPA continues aggressively to take actions against Maritas to collect the half million plus judgment. 

You may recall that after the jury rejected all of Maritas’ defenses and awarded the half a million dollars to the SPFPA, he loudly proclaimed that he would appeal and reverse the judgment.  Well, his appeals were all denied, no further appeal is possible, and the judgment and injunction remain.  Of course, anyone who knows Maritas and his history of broad promises followed by total failure is not surprised that his claims did not come to pass.




Here's the actual Circuit Court Order